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How to paint denatured timber

Decorate denatured timber effectively requires the right preparation and priming, due to its friable nature. Here we show you how it's done.

How to paint plastic and UPVC

When painting exterior plastic and UPVC, you need a primer with outstanding adhesion. Here we show you how to achieve the best results.

How to paint undecorated water stained surfaces

Water stains have a tendency to reappear through fresh paint work if they aren't properly blocked.

How to paint over exterior water stains (water-based method)

When treating exterior water stained walls, you'll need a paint that will keep stains at bay.

How to paint exterior water stains

This guide explains how to block exterior water stains and permanently prevent mould and mildew from seeping through newly painted surfaces.

How to strip wallpaper

Paper Tiger® features patented scoring wheels that perforate and dissolve the adhesive. Together with DIF® wallpaper solution there is no need for steamers.

How to paint rust-stained surfaces

This guide explains how to deal with rust stains and prevent them from seeping through new paint work.

How to paint over PVC

Due to its slick surface most paint will peel, crack or flake away from the surface. However, Zinsser's Bulls Eye® 1-2-3 is perfect for the job.

How to paint fletton brick

Fletton brick is highly porous and needs to be properly primed to prevent future cracking and peeling of paint films.

How to paint over nicotine stains (odourless method)

Most paints solve this problem short term but eventually the stain seeps through the paint work wasting time and money. Permanently block stains with this odourless approach.

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  • Tor Coatings
  • Portobello Industrial Estate
  • Birtley
  • County Durham
  • DH3 2RE
  • UK
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